Friday, 17 January 2014

Battle for the Animals

Long, long ago, many years before the human race had even begun there were Snarks. They terrorised the animals and were cruel and horrid to the kindest of  people. You see, the Snarks ruled the animals and made them work day and night. And what did the animals get paid with? One mouldy apple per day. The Snarks were horrible beasts. They were almost as big as ogres although not as powerful, but they used their strength well.  Some said they were sent by Tredolf (the god of animals), to punish them, whilst others said that they were a sign that the world would end soon. They had built a huge Fort Arrengue. Behind those huge walls was the King of Snarks. He was 12 foot and had a huge axe called Bloodhammer.

            You would expect there to be rebellions and there were. Lots. When the old king of the animals was killed his son escaped. He left the country looking for followers. He found many animals looking for revenge against the Snarks so he soon had a big enough army. Then he returned and lay siege to the castle. It was a battle for the ages but the Princes army was defeated. This is when Charlie comes into this story. Charlie, just a regular squirrel had huge ambitions.

            One day, he was sent to Fort Arrengue to work and he met the evil King of Snarks. He also met the good prince (now over 60). He went home and told the news to his village but it spread. He had just quickly seen the prince walking to his cell, but he had seen enough. All the big men and small children worked together to attack the castle. It had put such a hope into them that they were invincible. They defeated the Snarks and sent them all to hell. The old prince killed the evil King and joy returned to the land. This is a tale all should know and all should praise.

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